FPdGi Awards

“It will give them greater confidence when searching for work”

Óscar Gómez del Saz, training manager at Enagás, will be delivering the workshop ‘Discover your potential with the Insights Discovery method’ as part of the annual ‘Talent rescuers’ conference.


One of the workshops planned as part of the annual ‘Talent rescuers’ conference will be delivered by the training manager of Enagás, Óscar Gómez del Saz, under the title ‘Discover your potential with the Insights Discovery method’. This training activity is designed to help the participants develop the skills needed to effectively search for work.

Gómez will explain the different phases of a selection process, from the perspective of both the candidate and the company, in order to analyse how the Insights tools can have an impact on each of these phases. In addition, he will provide some guidelines and recommend certain behaviours that will “help the attendees search for employment and reject self-limiting beliefs and thoughts”, said the training manager of Enagás.

Gómez will also do a role play with those attending the workshop during which they will practice job interviews and selection processes. “The workshop has two goals: to foster self-awareness in order to focus the participants’ job hunting and to teach them about the different phases of a selection process”, summarised the speaker.

This training activity is addressed, particularly, to young people currently seeking work, because it will help them “get to know themselves on a deeper level and reflect on what their ideal job might be and provide them with greater confidence when facing a selection process and searching for a job”.

Óscar Gómez del Saz is training manager at Enagás, one of the leading natural gas carriers in Spain and one of the companies collaborating in the ‘Talent rescuers’ programme. “This programme allows us to help develop young people’s talent so that they can find their true place in the job market and offer them the tools that will help them face the various challenges they will have to overcome in the business world”.

The workshop ‘Discover your potential with the Insights Discovery method’ takes place on 29 June, at the same time as three other workshops: ‘Communication and influence’, ‘Play with the future NOW’ and ‘The search for candidates has changed. Are you ready for social recruiting?’.  When signing up for the conference, attendees were able to choose from among the four workshops depending on their preferences. In parallel, at the same time, the mentors will take part in a programme entitled ‘Emotional intelligence in mentoring’, delivered by the director of Escuela de Mentoring, María Luisa de Miguel.

Talent rescuers’ is an FPdGi programme aimed at young people aged between twenty and thirty who have completed either university studies or vocational training and who are keen to work in the field they have prepared for. This initiative has been made possible thanks to the commitment of the large companies that form part of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and it allows young people to improve their employability using different tools such as mentoring, online training, development centres and a job vacancy board.

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