After the talks by the president of the FPdGi, Francisco Belil, and the cyborg-anthropologist Amber Case, the ‘Talent rescuers’ annual meeting continued with four simultaneous workshops for young people and one dedicated to their mentors.
The almost 400 attendees from all over Spain chose one of the four workshops available when they signed up for the event: ‘Communication and influence’, ‘Play with the future NOW’, ‘Discover your potential with the Insights Discovery method’ and ‘The search for candidates has changed. Are you ready for social recruiting?’. In parallel, the mentors attended the programme ‘Emotional intelligence in mentoring’, delivered by the director of Escuela de Mentoría, María Luisa de Miguel.
The head of the Selection and Employer Branding Area at Lidl, Eva Ortega, together with her team, David Garrote and Alicia Bender, delivered the workshop ‘Communication and influence’ in which they explained the key points so the attendees could “reflect and work on how to achieve influential communication”. The trainers detailed the different styles of communication and influence that currently exist so that the young people could apply them in both their professional and personal lives. And, as an example, they conducted a practical exercise that consisted of preparing a pitch based on evidence in order to influence a decision.
At the same time, Accenture dedicated the workshop ‘Play with the future NOW’ to explaining the very latest digital content and future technological trends, based on its study ‘Technology Vision 2018: Unleash the intelligent enterprise’. The members of Accenture’s training team demonstrated how to carry out a data analysis and incorporate immersive technologies —virtual, augmented and mixed reality— into the most diverse business areas. All this was carried out through practical exercises and games, so that the attendees could see how to apply this knowledge in practice.
Under the title ‘Discover your potential with the Insights Discovery method’, the team from Enagás, formed of Óscar Gómez del Saz, Antonio Manzanera and Ignacio Muñumer, showed the participants how to apply the Insights Discovery method to foster their own self-awareness in order to face the search for work; depending on what they learn about themselves, they can act in one way or another. The trainers also provided advice and tips to help the attendees in their search for employment and to overcome self-limiting beliefs and thoughts.
Finally, the workshop ‘The search for candidates has changed. Are you ready for social recruiting?’, delivered by the director of Sartia and social selling and digital selling trainer Alex López, went over the digital requirements that are vital to guarantee success, revealing the keys to areas such as Inbound Marketing and Inbound Recruiting, with the phases of attraction, conversion, closing and delight. In fact, López sparked an intense debate with the young people after warning them that anyone can follow their activity of social networks and how this can cost them dearly when they are applying for a job.
In parallel, the director of Escuela de Mentoría, María Luisa de Miguel, gave a workshop addressed to the programme’s mentors entitled ‘Emotional intelligence in mentoring’. During the activity, De Miguel showed the participants how they should build a mentoring relationship with engagement using the 12 emotional intelligence skills. She also explained how to distinguish between verbal and emotional conversation and how to manage the needs, expectations and roles that arise in all mentoring relationships, while not forgetting how important it is to connect with mentees.