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  • The heads of more than 500 Spanish education centres meet to promote entrepreneurial initiative in schools


The heads of more than 500 Spanish education centres meet to promote entrepreneurial initiative in schools

The Prince of Girona Foundation’s project Educating Entrepreneurial Talent, which over the past months has trained teachers from all over Spain, is based on the recommendations of the report “Learn to be an Entrepreneur”, which has been sent out to Spain’s 30,000 education centres


The Prince of Girona Foundation (FPdGi), in collaboration with the Trilema Foundation, will organise meetings on 18 October in Madrid, 22 October in Santander and 5 November in Barcelona for the heads of education centres from all over Spain in order to promote the teaching of entrepreneurial skills in schools.

These meetings, addressed to the managers and heads of education centres, are the continuation of the teacher training workshops that were held this year in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Valencia and Santander for teachers from all over Spain, based on the recommendations of the report Learn to be an Entrepreneur. This training will be completed in November with a sixth location, with a new edition of the workshop being held in Girona.  

The FPdGi report Learn to be an Entrepreneur: How to Teach Entrepreneurial Talent, published in February 2013 by the Planeta Group and sent out to 30,000 Spanish education centres, was written by Carmen Pellicer, Beatriz Álvarez and Juan Luis Torrejón (Trilema Foundation) under the scientific direction of José Antonio Marina (Universidad de Padres/Parenting University), Luisa Alemany (ESADE), and José Manuel Pérez Díaz-Pericles (former Director of Valnalón). The report is a pioneering tool and guide for teachers and other education stakeholders who actively participate in programmes to foster entrepreneurial talent during compulsory education and vocational training.

Based on the report Learn to be an Entrepreneur, the FPdGi has been promoting the Educating Entrepreneurial Talent project since April 2013 to train specialists in entrepreneurial education in one hundred education centres in Spain’s different autonomous communities, whose education departments have helped to organise the meetings. Furthermore, the project includes advice and support for the pedagogical projects carried out as a result of the training received. The results of the Educating Entrepreneurial Talent project will be presented and compared with other initiatives at the 2nd Entrepreneurial Initiative Workshops to be held in Girona in February 2014.

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C. Juli Garreta, 1, 1r E   17002 Girona   (Spain)
Tel. 34 972 410 410   info@fpdgi.org