Invitation form

I would like to receive an invitation to attend the FPdGi tenth anniversary celebration events.

Personal data

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we inform you that your personal data will be processed by the FPdGi and incorporated into the treatment system «Training and Conferences Registry» in order to carry out the administrative management and processing. At the same time, you give us your consent to use and disseminate your images, as an assistant and/or speaker, in the media that the Foundation considers appropriate. We inform you that the images will be incorporated into the system of treatment «Registration Images» in order to manage its dissemination and your protection.

Your data will be deleted when the relationship is terminated and this information has ceased to be necessary to determine responsibilities in relation to their professional performance.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion or oblivion, limitation, opposition, portability and withdrawal of consent given by sending the FPdGi, as responsible for the treatment, an email to [email protected] or a letter to: FPdGi, c / Juli Garreta, 1, 1r, E - 17002 GIRONA.

You can also contact the competent data protection control authority to obtain additional information or to file a claim.

Data identifying the Delegate for Data Protection (DDP):
BF CONSULTING -dataProtect-, BERTA FAURA, registered in the AEPD with the number 145161/2018; contact information: [email protected].