Delegate Committee of the Board of Trustees

Delegate Committee of the Board of Trustees

The Delegate Committee is formed by a representation of members of the Board of Trustees (in addition to the President, the General Manager and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees) and it has all the authority required for the managem

Mr. Francisco Belil Creixell, President

Ms. Silvia Martínez Carnicero, Secretary

Ms. Mònica Margarit Ribalta,  General Manager 

Ms. Maite Barrera

Mr. Javier Botín O'Shea

Mr. Vicente Cancio

Mr. José Creuheras

Ms. Maria Dolores Dancausa

Mr. Tomás Feliu Bassols

Mr. Carlos Godó Valls

Ms. Helena Herrero

Mr. Antonio Llardén Carratalá

Mr. Marian Puig Guasch

Mr. Gonzalo Rodés Vilà

Mr. Ángel Simón

Ms. Judith Viader Codina


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