Teacher Generation

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Based on its extensive experience of teacher training, focused on developing entrepreneurial competences and project-based learning, the Princess of Girona Foundation is turning the attention of its educational area to young people by launching a new programme aimed at professional development for future teachers. Each year, 30 young people will be selected to join the programme and gain work experience at an exemplary rural school to help them become transformative teachers, ready to innovate and come up with solutions to some of today’s great educational challenges. In this first edition, the internships will take place in schools in Aragón, Extremadura and Galicia.

The programme is open to young people (under 25 years old) studying infant or primary education at any Spanish university, who will do their work experience placements and final-year projects within a period of four months, coinciding with the last year of their degree courses.

In addition, the Foundation will finance the mobility of the participants between Spain’s autonomous regions and collaborate with universities all over the country to ensure the academic recognition of this curricular practical training, which will also be supervised by various specialised tutors.

#TeacherGeneration, a unique programme aimed at future teachers committed to education and the change society.

What does it offer?

  • four-month stay at an exemplary rural school where you will learn in an active, meaningful and cross-cutting way in an environment where reduced group sizes foster experimentation and active learning.
  • grant of up to 3000 euros to help cover the cost of moving to and accommodation in another region of Spain.
  • Participation in two experiential and educational workshops prior to the internship, to welcome you into an active learning community with the other young people selected to take part in the programme.
  • Assistance with developing your final-year project through the programme.
  • Support from a tutor from the university together with two specialised teachers during the internship.
  • The opportunity to learn about the socio-educational situation in another region of Spain.


The benefits of a rural school
The experience in a rural environment, with smaller class sizes and in a natural setting, offers you the chance to meet and learn about:

  • Teachers with a profound vocation, who are highly motivated and have a great capacity to manage complex situations in the face of social change.
  • The teaching value of a multi-grade classroom and heterogeneous groups, which facilitate equal opportunities, cooperation, self-awareness and inclusion.
  • Effective personalisation of learning, working hand-in-hand with families to bring out the best in each pupil.
  • family atmosphere in the classroom that encourages harmonious coexistence and the development of emotional intelligence, in addition to building a community and generating social impact.
  • Learning spaces that reach beyond the classroom and generate opportunities for students and teachers to improve their skills.



Copyright © 2025 Princess of Girona Foundation
C. Juli Garreta, 1, 1r E   17002 Girona   (Spain)
Tel. 34 972 410 410   info@fpdgi.org