In 2017 the Princess of Girona Foundation, in line with its mission to provide young people with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves and for the society they live in, launched a leadership programme whose main goal is to develop young people’s leadership skills in a VUCA context (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) in order to make them an active part of the current and future transformation of companies and institutions. This skills training programme teaches leadership competences designed for a new generation of talented leaders who are capable of guiding and directing teams and organisations towards intergroup cooperation in a healthy and sustainable way.
In this new edition we focus on facilitating the learning and development of leadership competences through a highly innovative programme that seeks to change the social paradigm: ‘The art of leading (yourself)’. The programme’s objectives are:
- Train the ability to learn how to learn, know how to act, learn to think and become influential leaders who are conscious and ethical.
- Develop effective and strategic leadership skills for the optimal management of teams and organisations, with the capacity to analyse psychosocial and relational phenomena.
- Acquire the necessary creative and innovative capacity in the management and exercise of leadership to analyse and resolve conflicts and strengthen cooperation.
- Promote, transform, develop and encourage intergroup leadership and foster diversity in all areas through effective communication.
- Learn, analyse and practice the different areas and types of leadership: task-orientated, emotional, contingent, distributed, transformational, transactional and allophylic or intergroup.
The programme includes three summits during three intensive weekend sessions that will be held in November, January and March. This edition will host a maximum of 25 young people, last 50 hours and end in March 2021.
In this highly innovative programme the participants play a leading role. They actively and experientially develop, in addition totheir own leadership, an attractive image of the future of the world and themselves. The participants discover what kind of leader they want to be, creating a community and developing an allophylic leadership style that promotes intergroup relations and is open to the world.
First summit*
6, 7 and 8 November 2020: ‘Recognising and discovering leadership styles: emotional, task-orientated and contingent’.
Second summit
15, 16 and 17 January 2021: ‘Creating and building our leadership style: transformational, conscious, authentic and ethical’.
Third summit
12, 13 and 14 March 2021: ‘Broadening leadership styles: allophylic and inspiring.’
- Aged between 20 and 30 years old.
- Have completed A-Level studies or higher vocational training (or above).
- Either born or legally resident in Spain.
- Upper-intermediate level of English.