Paris-based Article 1 arose from the merger of two associations that work to encourage equality of opportunity, Frateli and Passeport Avenir. These were founded in 2004 and 2005 respectively in response to the same problem: the social inequality and discrimination that arises among young people with low incomes.
Guided by the common values of justice, equality, fraternity and liberty, established in Article 1 of the French Constitution, over time these two associations have developed programmes that seek to create bonds and organise meetings among young people and volunteers/mentors from the professional world who wish to share their knowledge and commitment with the former. Through its mentoring programmes and the organisation of workshops, nearly 12,000 students from humble backgrounds have received support from the organisation.Theultimate objective of Article 1is to create a society in which orientation, academic success and professional integration do not depend on social, economic and cultural background, but rather, in short, one in which success depends on social ties and on civic commitment.