• María Sánchez Rodríguez, FPdGi Arts and Literature Award

    María Sánchez Rodríguez, FPdGi Arts and Literature Award

    The winner was chosen for “her work as a poet, writer and activist in defence of rural culture, and particularly the forgotten role of women in the countryside”. The winner’s name was announced this morning during a virtual event.

  • Lucía Goy Mastromiechele, 2021 FPdGi Business Award

    Lucía Goy Mastromiechele, 2021 FPdGi Business Award

    Founding partner of law firm Goy Gentile Abogados, the winner was chosen for her brilliant academic record followed by her solid professional development that has resulted in an extremely promising business project.

  • Ousman Umar, 2021 Princess of Girona Foundation Social Award

    Ousman Umar, 2021 Princess of Girona Foundation Social Award

    The winner was chosen for “constructing a transformative project that brings education, technology and alliances together to deliver solutions to the migratory phenomenon”. The jury also praised him for his “exemplary work, resilience, spirit of self-improvement and for seizing the opportunities offered by society through great personal effort”.

  • César de la Fuente Núñez, 2021 FPdGi Scientific Research Award

    César de la Fuente Núñez, 2021 FPdGi Scientific Research Award

    The winner was chosen for his leadership and outstanding scientific work in the field of computational biology, which unites extraordinary scientific productivity with the capacity to transfer the technology developed.

  • Juan David Aristizábal, FPdGi International Award

    Juan David Aristizábal, FPdGi International Award

    The winner was chosen for “supporting young people in Latin America through training, education, technology and an entrepreneurial spirit”, and for transforming personal adversity into a virtue by leveraging it to create social projects for the common good.

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C. Juli Garreta, 1, 1r E   17002 Girona   (Spain)
Tel. 34 972 410 410   info@fpdgi.org